Hello my friends! I'm so grateful for YOU!!
You now have access to my exclusive content, my behind the scenes studio process, raw and real.
As a Virgo, I'm a bit of a perfectionist. The worst part is that I hold myself to such a high standard and expect perfection, which as we all know is impossible. This means I put a lot of pressure on myself, and fear making mistakes.
When I begin a painting, I get nervous that it's not going to look right, and sometimes it doesn't. Bob Ross calls them "Happy little mistakes," but to me they become problems to solve. Painting can be challenging, and sometimes I have to brainstorm the best approach, and sometimes I GET IT WRONG! Once I wiped the head off of a fisherman 10 different times until I painted one that was "acceptable."
That's why painting in public is so terrifying for me. I don't want people to see me make mistakes. They might find out I'm not perfect, then they will think less of me. These are all my fears that run around in my mind, even though I know they are not true. There they are.
I'm going to attempt to BREAK THROUGH these self imposed fears, letting people see me make mistakes.
Check back weekly for progress updates!
Let's Begin!
Black Stallion Journey: August 30, 2023

Studio Update: September 4, 2023
Welcome to my first weekly update!
Small art for Eagle City Hall
A series of roses. These ones are special to me! If you have a special rose you'd like to preserve, let me know and I will turn it into a small painting for you!
Going in for the Kiss!
Working from a sweet photo I took of two kids at Nampa Nights, this one is for the "Body Language" exhibit sponsored by the TVAA.
Yin and Yang Horses
The white horse "Thundering Hooves" painting I completed in May is about to have a counterpart, the black stallion. I'm excited to enter these in the Back, White & Grey show at Las Laguna Art Gallery, an exhibit in January 2024.
Patron support helps me to pay for my supplies, application fees, and shipping costs when my art is chosen to appear in an out of town exhibit, among other expenses.
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Dropping Some Old Stuff Here

My good friend Niki taught me how to fold the corners on these canvasses we created for the Chakra Painting Class.

Late night at the Aspen Market in October of 2021. I had to climb onto the slushy machine, barefoot so I wouldn't slip, in order to get to the wall. I was a little embarrassed when the manager told me her boss had checked the video to see how I was going about the process.

The "Standing In The Light" painting was done in my garage in the winter of 2019. It was my first commission. I put the photograph on the wall above me while I worked. I masked off the aspens so I could paint the background. I was there snipping masking tape for hours to get the shapes right. Was this the best approach, who knows? But it worked!